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Coaching client feedback

“With so much going on in life, getting clarity and focus was extremely difficult and then Growing Content came along. The Head Transition coaches at Growing Content have kept me focused for over 12 months now and both my business

Posted in News, Personal Power, Personal Results, Self Leadership, Transition

Virginia Satir’s Five Freedoms

Virginia Satir’s work in family therapy and dynamics was one inspirational cornerstone in the development of NLP.  Her 5 Freedoms resonate for me, as I hope they will for you.  Virginia Satir’s Five Freedoms 1. The freedom to see and

Posted in Personal Power

Your Mid Year Stock Take

It’s the mid-point or end-point of the year, depending whether you work in financial years or not. So how are you tracking? Is there a smile of satisfaction on your face, or a look of disappointment or fear? No need to despair, the rest of your life starts a second from now, so you can always start afresh. Doing well? Great, and you can also learn and move on, by following these steps

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Comments from a coaching client

When I first met Sue I knew she was the type of person I could trust, and rely on to give me unbiased personal and business advice. Sue has a great way of making you look at life from a

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24 May 2012 “Personal Power Boost: putting the “I” back in your LIFE” a complimentary webinar to celebrate Growing Content’s 4th birthday. For you if you feel stretched in too many directions, or have simply become someone else’s something (partner, mother, boss, employee, daughter etc). Learn where & what your Personal Power is, and how to get it back. Register here:

Posted in Personal Power, Uncategorized

Sabotaging Self Talk – Stop!

Avoid asking yourself “Why?” questions, as the answers can be hyper critical and unproductive. “What” And “How” tend to give more empowering and solution orientated answers.

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4 Secrets To A Successful 2012

For things to be different, you need change something, and that’s where many people get stuck. Usually your thoughts, feelings and the meaning you give to events need to change first, then the actions you take, the habits or strategies you run each day. It’s much easier to change direction when you are moving, so coming out of holidays is the perfect time to make changes. After all, you need to

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Turning Self Sabotage Into Self Motivation: Part 2 Confidence

A lack of confidence is a key cause of self sabotage as we try to protect ourselves from failure, from looking silly, or being criticised……So authentic confidence comes from within, from knowing and liking who you are, with faith in your ongoing abilities to learn and succeed. Having that certain level of…

Posted in Mind/Body Connection, Personal Power, Personal Results, Transition Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

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