Life seems to be speeding up and if you don’t pause every so often to check in on your progress and direction, whether in health, relationships, business or, most importantly, you, one day suddenly you’ll notice you are way off…
Life seems to be speeding up and if you don’t pause every so often to check in on your progress and direction, whether in health, relationships, business or, most importantly, you, one day suddenly you’ll notice you are way off…
As I stepped onto the beach as usual, just on sunrise, I noticed two things. Firstly, lots of seaweed – a sign the winds and currents had shifted direction. Secondly, washed up to the high tide mark, a small but…
There are five little words that can magically free you, and heal hurt-based resentment. This solution acknowledges that each of us has our own reality, based on how we filter information through our senses. It also acknowledges we have our…
February is a challenging month for many, and I’m not just talking about the emotional turmoil around St Valentine’s Day! Schools reopening signal the end of holiday mode and the adjustment to ‘normal’ life. Even without kids, you’ve noticed the…
Loneliness, as you age, increases your odds of any early death by 45%, beating obesity at 20% and alcoholism at 30%. That’s worth taking notice of. Loneliness isn’t something to be ashamed of, nor is it the domain of the…
Sue Lester recently interviewed by Bernadette Boas. Shedding The Bitch Radio show interview The Face Within Changing your Unconscious Blueprint with Sue Lester Based in Atlanta, Georgia, fiery Bernadette Boas has a weekly radio program “Shedding the Bitch”. We discussed…
A friend was in severe pain, physical, and also dealing with 3 of life’s biggest stressors, so I offered her a gift hypnotherapy phone session. At the start, despite the heavy duty painkillers, she said her pain score was 7/10.…