Forget the Magic Beans, let 3 Magic Words Take You to the Golden Goose

There’s power in the number 3, so put it to good use throughout the year to keep yourself on track. Ideally you would have planned out this year in the last quarter of last year, if not earlier, so you seamlessly flowed into the new year whether on holidays or not. Or perhaps you are one of many still figuring out what’s to happen this year? Battling with goal and planning sheets in the same way you battled with business plans and key performance indicators? 3 words can save you a great deal of angst.

The size and complexity of your business, and your personal life, naturally determine the depth of planning needed, and your personality to a degree determines how. Whether you meticulously reverse engineer each quarter down to the day, or simply create a vision board of inspiring images, or somewhere in between, it can all be a waste of your precious time. Yes, it can look impressive, but ends up being irrelevant and dusty well before the year is out if you don’t feel connected to it, and just file it away. That’s where tapping into the power of those 3 words makes the difference.

Which 3 words? Actually any 3 that really resonate with you – even “Chocolate, Shoes, Holidays” if that reminds you of why, how and what you really want to achieve. My three magic words this year are “Connection. Collaboration. Commitment.” Each refers to myself as well as with others, personally and professionally. They are a mantra, an operational intention, and also a measuring stick for those bright shiny temptations and distractions I know will pop up throughout the year.

Make those eggs golden this year.

Make those eggs golden this year.

Whatever words you choose must resonate and be meaningful to you, as a simple yet powerful reminder to keep you consistently making the right decisions and taking focussed action. Some suggestions: “Focus. Finances. Fun.” “I am allowed.” “Present creates future.” “Close loop. Begin.” (If you tend to have lots of unfinished projects on the go. Finish one so you can reap the rewards of it, before starting the next.)

After reading Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth” over the break I’ve added his 3 modalities of life as well, as attitude drives results: “Acceptance. Enjoyment. Enthusiasm.”   It’s simply a fact of life that there are some essential tasks that aren’t exciting, sexy or even pleasant, like cleaning the cat’s tray or filing paperwork. Being in a state of Acceptance means you just do it, quickly, easily, without resistance or resentment. No pain, no angst. If you can find ways to make any activity fun, then you enter Enjoyment. When you add a goal, destination or benchmark to enjoyable activities you enter Enthusiasm. At any point in time if you are not in one of those modes, you are creating pain for yourself and others. When you spend your days being a combination of calm, happy and excited your whole body, including your brain, can function optimally as Nature intended. Life gets easier as you are in the flow.

The golden goose becomes yours when you combine the magic words, yours and Eckhart Tolle’s with reference to your map or plans for your year. Displaying them at your desk, on your laptop, in clear view makes it easier to check in. For example, this year my overall plan is split into the 3 areas I love doing most in my business: coaching, speaking and writing. In each I have projects and specific actions for the current month and week. This article I’m writing fits into the Writing area, I’m reminded it is both Commitment and Connection, and it’s being done with Enjoyment.

Remember, keep the goose healthy and happy so she keeps laying those golden eggs for you.

I’m curious, what are your 3 key words this year?

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