Life’s Too Short to be in the Wrong Job – but what if it’s not ‘wrong’?

Is the job wrong, or is it your head trash in the way?

Is the job wrong, or is it your head trash in the way?

Whatever your ‘job’ is, whether you are employed, self-employed, wife or mother, chances are you spend the majority of your day ‘doing’ it.  And frankly, life is too short to spend it being miserable for the majority of your day.  But are you miserable because it is the wrong job for you, or miserable for other (head trash) reasons, and simply blaming your job?  Let’s explore those two options, and shine a little clarity on your situation.

Firstly, it is crucial to recognise and acknowledge you do have a choice to be in that job, or not.  Much stress and resentment is generated by telling yourself you don’t have a choice, but that’s a lie. You do. The only person ‘making’ you stay there is you and the stories you are telling yourself, unless of course you are kept under lock and key.  Yes, there are consequences which may or may not be worse than your current situation, like temporary unemployment, a sulky spouse, or being arrested for selling your children on ebay.  Remind yourself at least daily that it is your choice to be there, and notice what a load (of BS, so heavy!) shifts, and how much lighter you feel.

Secondly, to know if it is the wrong job for you, you’ll need to know what the ‘right’ job gives you. “Oh, I don’t know!” is a lazy cop out, so you might as well stop reading now, and go whinge somewhere else.  You DO know whether you want to work alone or with others, inside or out, routine or variety, the degree of challenge, how much time spent commuting, the ideal hours, holidays, income, promotional opportunities, travel, a car allowance, dealing with people or objects, creative or systemised, high-tech or low-tech, supervised or self-managed, sense of contribution or not, recognition – self, peers, management, your industry or general public, opportunities for professional development, level of prestige (e.g. would you collect garbage if you were paid your ideal wage), long term security or short term high return, and so on.  Write it all down, designing your ‘right’ job.

Thirdly, tick off what your current job already provides.  Then mark everything that your current job could have if you chose to adjust your work ethic, attitude, focus, if you applied for promotions or training, a branch transfer, set boundaries with the bully, the free-loader and the gossiper, and so on.  How much potential is there to turn it into a job right for you? After all, at some point it was desirable, and you thought it worth applying for.  If it still comes up as unfulfilling then at least you have a list to guide you in your new job hunting.

Now what’s stopping you from making change, inside or outside your current job now?  Low self-confidence or self-worth?  Undeveloped boundary-setting skills?  Fear? A stubborn need to be right about it being totally wrong?  You’ll need to change at least the topic of conversation, and perhaps your b*tching buddies once you decide you can turn wrong into right with a few adjustments.  Now you have the awareness, you can more easily see your path forward.

You don’t have to do it all at once, and certainly not alone. You are allowed to ask for help.  However, ensure you enlist the help of someone who can objectively assist you clear your head trash out of the way, someone who as a vested interest in your progress, rather than a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.  Those who love you sometimes fight hard to keep you in the familiar space, simply because they fear losing you, or fear having to step up and follow you.

Remember, make an informed decision, commit to action, then make it the right decision. You can have anything you want, just not everything.  Let go and grow – life is too short not to!

Feel free to email or call me, Sue Lester, on 0428 128 679 for information on how I can help you reclaim your personal power, and put the “I” back into your LIFE.

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