On Father’s Day Remember: Men are simple creatures.

Men are such simple creatures. I do mean simple as in uncomplicated rather than mentally retarded.  On the other hand, have you noticed how women, (and yes Peter, myself included), spend enormous amounts of time and energy time-travelling?

A man in our life (at home or work) will say or do something, or even worse, nothing when we expect something. Off we go, zipping back into the Past, looking for other examples to ascertain the possible meaning. Then it’s out into the Future, zipping between scenarios, having conversations, arguments, nuclear wars. Back to the Past we zoom, seeking more ammunition, which we toss like hand grenades into the Future.  When we finally come back to the Present we are armed to the teeth for combat in a war we are already mentally fighting, or else so battle weary the snappiness and tears come, “You don’t understand!”

How can he?  He hasn’t been in your head zipping back and forth with you.  He just wants to feel loved, secure, appreciated and needed.  He doesn’t need to time travel to make sense or non-sense of the world.

A serious consequence of your time travelling is that you build a disempowering unconscious blueprint of your man – seeing him as a teenager, incompetent, a prison warden or dream stealer, and interacting accordingly.

The fallout, the head trash you’ve liberally scattered around trips both you and he up.  Bruised and confused he doesn’t know what is safe to do or say, so may opt for nothing.  That can ignite even more wrath or calm, depending how much of an auditory person you are. (Men:  a huge tip here, learn your partner’s love language, then you’ve got more chance of calming things sooner because you’ll know whether to hug, speak, do the housework or buy flowers.  Know your daughters and staff time travel too.  Get the free e-book “Win-Win Loving” from www.growingcontent.com.au )

So this Father’s Day, or any other day, show him, and yourself, some love and get your head trash cleared out of the way. Life will be calmer, more fun, more loving, because you’ll be simply in the Present, with him.

You can get your D.I.Y. head trash clearing kit , the newly published “The Face Within: How to Change Your Unconscious Blueprint” from www.growingcontent.com.au/shop    It was written with the super-stretched woman, you,  in mind, so it’s easy to read and apply.  You might even want to let him read it too.


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