Even if you only experienced the flooding and cyclone on TV, the images and sounds broadcast over and over have had more impact on you and your children than you may realise. Here are some signs to look out for and suggestions for healing:
Even if you only experienced the flooding and cyclone on TV, the images and sounds broadcast over and over have had more impact on you and your children than you may realise. Here are some signs to look out for and suggestions for healing:
As an adult the same patterns were playing out, with Nola feeling she was second best and not allowed to achieve more or faster than her sister, whether in a career, buying a home, finding a partner or having a baby. Whenever things seemed to be going right, particularly financially, Nola would make a choice which sent her spirally down again. Her, potentially unfounded, jealousy was driving a wedge into her relationship, pushing her partner away with distrust, accusations and spying.
Every woman is different, and Anna identified that what she really wanted was to reconnect with her husband, and inject some fun into her life, so that’s what we then focussed on.
Jane, on the other hand, really valued family connection, so in the same situation she chose to reorganise her working week to allow space and de-stress time, and to work on clearing her underlying fears of childbirth.
Our image reflects to the world who we think we are, what we think we are worth, and/or who we’d like to be. Our image is not just our clothing and accessories. It’s our overall grooming, our posture, facial expressions,how we speak, our manners and how we move. Who are you projecting to the world?
Safety & Security.
Jill confessed she hadn’t told her husband that she’d been investing in herself by attending personal development workshops. She said he’d been so scathingly dismissive when she first came home motivated to make changes to improve herself and her life, she felt unable to share with him. In Jill’s eyes their relationship was devoid of connection, passion and love but she couldn’t leave him because she’d made a vow “Until Death Do Us Part”. “Besides”, she said, “I’ve got no where else to live, and I’m worried what other people will say.”
Self Leadership First workshops – turning self sabotage into self motivation.
The Top 3 Benefits Of Having An NLP Trained Coach – Sue Lester If you want to save time, make more money, and feel great about yourself and your life, this is definitely for you. 1. Saves You Time Imagine…
Where Sue Lester is speaking in 2011