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The Little Eagle – for those who don’t fit in

The little eagle, though of course she didn’t know she was an eagle then, she just thought she was a funny shaped chicken, was well looked after by the chickens. They taught her how to scratch in the dirt for insects, where to find the juiciest worms, when the grasses were seeding, and what time to go back into the safety of the coop. They also taught her to run for cover if she saw a shadow move across the ground, because that meant danger from above, and most importantly, they… Then came the day when the little eagle rushed to the cliff edge, and her mentor wasn’t there. Disappointed and a little worried, she waited, and waited.

Posted in Mind/Body Connection, Personal Results, Self Leadership Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

The Little Well

The Little Well kept giving and giving as she had always done, allowing everyone to take whatever they needed from her. The difference now was that her level started to drop because no water was being added. The people noticed and became concerned.

Posted in De-Stress For Success, Mind/Body Connection Tagged with: , , , ,

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