The Best Present You Can Ever Give Anyone, Including Yourself


Gift buying can be stressful, and an expensive waste of time. And no matter how ‘perfect’ a gift is, if the

Petra's New Year Good Luck Pigs - delicious!

Petra’s New Year Good Luck Pigs – delicious!

emotion surrounding the gift giving isn’t happily exciting, it will be a disappointment.  That’s because we never actually want the ‘thing’, we want how the ‘thing’ makes us feel – loved, valued, appreciated, care free.  The thing is, we never can get those feelings from ‘things’, they always come from inside us in response to other people (and animals).

So the very best present you can give anyone, including yourself, is one that keeps on giving pleasure, and that is a happy memory. So how do you do that?

It has to start with you being happy, patient and loving in your own skin. If you are stressed, harbouring anger, resentment or frustration, over-tired, drunk or feeling underappreciated, unloved, you’ll struggle to even pretend to be all happiness and light for your children and loved ones.  They won’t be fooled either, even though they might politely play along with your charade.  As you may have experienced, nothing shatters the festive spirit more than angry words – yelled, muttered or even thought.

    1. Purge: Firstly, have a good purge! Get rid of that pent up negativity. Book yourself in for a mental de-stress or emotion detox session/s. Or write it ALL out until you feel pleasantly light and empty, then ensure you completely destroy the paper – burn or shred. Go out into the forest or deserted beach and yell and scream and cry if you need to, then walk until you feel soothed again. Some couple use screaming rows and passionate sex after to purge and heal, but that only works if you both feel 100% better after, rather than wrung out or used. A purge of your environment – home, garage, office, wardrobe and garden can help too.
    2. Gratitude: Spend some time thinking and writing down all of the things you are grateful for about the people you’ll be spending your time with, including yourself. Remember what you focus on is what you get, so taking time to refocus on the positives makes it easier to let go of the negatives. “Catch your kids being good.” Praise and compliment yourself and others. Be grateful you are allowed to say no to someone entering your home if you know they are toxic to you and yours.
    3. Preparation: Plan ahead so you can relax. Accept and ask for help, and delegate. If you find yourself doing everything for your children even though they are no longer toddlers, it’s time to check in on your unconscious blueprints of them. If your blueprints of them are of little ones, then you’ll struggle to allow them to grow into responsible adults. Blueprints can be updated quickly and easily if you wish. (Ref: “The Face Within: How to Change Your Unconscious Blueprint” or book a session with Sue Lester)
    4. You: Put yourself on the list of needs. Ensure your tastes – food, fun, entertainment, activities are included too. Say no if you need or want to – remember as head of the family you do have rights. Ensure the princes and princesses aren’t running the kingdom, and that the King and Queen’s thrones are on par. Fun activities for the whole family are only fun if everyone is engaged, splitting up to allow for different tastes and energy levels, and 1:1 attention, can work well for creating happy memories.
    5. Quiet time: Allow yourself and others to have chill out time, where no one needs to be rushing here or there, nor entertaining someone else. Reminiscing and sharing stories from old photos, playing cards or board games can flow into this time too.

Remember, it all starts with you feeling good about yourself.  If you need help, just ask.  Book your time to change with Sue Lester on 07 3103 2679 or email to book a Skype session.  STOP PRESS: FESTIVE DE-FRAZZLE session SUPER SPECIAL before Christmas  BOOK HERE

Buy your D.I.Y. head trash kit “The Face Within” and powerful Problem Dissolving, Self-Forgiveness and Learn Self-Hypnosis audios here.

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