These bells, boofheads and balls can help you make the most of your festive break. If you need me, I’m coaching until 5pm 23 December, then recharging off the grid until 5 January.
Bell #1: A bell ring to remember to keep the small stuff small. Keep things in perspective of the big picture, remembering no one on this planet thinks, feels, acts exactly the same as you. Don’t expect them (especially him) to guess what you need or want done, be clear and specific (nicely).
Bell #2: If you’re in a panic because so much was left undone this year and you feel a bit sick at the thought it will be the same in 2015, but you haven’t made time to plan yet – relax. In the new year I’ll help you through all that, starting with a complimentary webinar. Your planning kit is already prepared for you!
Boofheads: (that’s Australian for idiots or silly people not using their common sense) We all have them in our lives, but when you allow them to ruin your day, relationships or even life, then it’s time for YOU to make some changes (they won’t until you do). It’s easier than you think with my Festive Head Trash Pack – the book & 3 powerful process CDs – give them separately as gifts and borrow them back! I’ve put a ridiculously generous price until 31 Dec, plus includes free postage in Australia and a donation to ( If you live OS email me for a postage quote. Yesterday 2 books & 3 CDs cost $39.10 to send to Norway.) Check it out here.

Thelma Lester’s Christmas Rum Ball recipe plus granddaughter Sue Lester’s gluten free Fig and Ginger Rum Ball variation.
Balls: You need them to step up and change what you don’t like about yourself, your life. They are also absolutely delicious made to my grandmother’s famous Christmas rum ball recipe. Admittedly famous in the family for the year she used OP* rum by mistake. My dad now does the big family rum ball supply, and the photo is the remains of his efforts this year. Yes, not even Christmas yet, but they are GOOD. Click on the photo below for Grandma’s recipe, plus my own gluten free fig and ginger variation. Sanitarium now make gluten free Weet-bix bless them – they use sorghum instead of wheat. It’s scribbled on the original recipe card I made back in high school. Tip: my dad always recommends using HEAPED spoonfuls of rum. 😉 *OP = overproof, more than 50% alcohol.
Let go and grow – create memories worth keeping this year, Stay happy & safe!
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