What would you give your life for? The real answer will surprise you.

dreamstimefree_186890What are the first things that come to mind, in answer to that question, “What would you give your life for?” Take a quick moment to jot them down, before scrolling down.





Chances are, like me, you thought of answering that question in terms of who would you dive into a burning building to save, or what cause would you take up arms or undertake high risk activities for?  However, every moment of every day you are giving your life away to something or someone through your thoughts, feelings, and actions.  Think about how you’ve spent your day/given your life today.   Is it worth using up your life on?  Are they worth the time spent doing for or thinking about?  (Yes, admittedly there will be days when you wonder who you could pay to take your children away, but in the big picture you’d possibly regret it, so it’s more about the time wasted stressing, grumping, foregoing consistency for convenience and paying the price next time.)

It’s not about stopping housework (sorry) or throwing in your job/quitting your business, or divorcing your partner (not yet), but more about revising how you feel while doing the essentials you’re not delegating, or spending time with the people you allow in your life.  Your attitude moment by moment adds up to your life’s flavour – bitter, bland or sweet.

It’s very unfair to punish people for not being who you’d like them to be.  They are who they are, viewing the world through their own senses, creating their own realities based on that.  They can’t think, feel, act the way you would, because they are not you.  No one’s fault, just different.  Yes, people can change, but that’s up to them to do, not you. Just as you don’t want them to try to force you into being who they think you should be.  Each one of us wants to be loved for who we are, as we are.  So, learn to love them for who they are, or move on and stop sacrificing your life.

So have a look over your diary and cancel anything you are doing only because you ‘should’.  You’d cancel if you were sick, so don’t make yourself have to get sick to get out of it.  Look at what’s left and decide what you can delegate, or give back to the person whose responsibility it is anyway (admittedly that can be tricky in some workplaces, but you get the idea).  What remains is ideally what you want and/or love to do.  The want/have to dos can be made more enjoyable, OK, more tolerable at least, by your attitude before, during and after.  It was your choice, so make the most of the time, totally focussing being present (if there is a structured time frame) or getting it completed as quickly as possible so you can go play.  The love to do activities are worth giving your life for.

As always, it’s your life your choice.  Remember you ALWAYS have a choice, it’s the consequences that get you thinking otherwise.  The more stressed or upset you are, the less your brain can come up with creative solutions, one or two obvious choices are its limit.  That’s why reflecting on the issue with someone objective, someone not part of the problem, can be very illuminating, and liberating.

If you need help turning bitter or bland into sweet, call 07 3103 2679 or email sue@growingcontent.com.au  to book your time to change.

Your life is now, not tomorrow.  Take action now.






Posted in Personal Power

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